CLINOMETER - Nautical - Bakelite USN 1942 Mark III -- FEE AND ST

I am offering an original mid-1900 s USN Clinometer. It is an instrument which indicates the angle of roll or pitch of a vessel. Built by prestigious Fee & Stemwedel Company it is made of molded Bakelite has a 0 to 70 scale measures 12 x 7 x 1 and weighs 1 pounds. The face is signed as follows CLINOMETER U.S. NAVY BU. SHIPS MK III MOD. O 1942 MADE BY FEE AND STEMWEDEL. INC. CHICAGO ILLINOIS . Also the molded back has the remnants of yellow painted printing which appears to read L12143 plus a very tiny maker s triangular stamp CHICAGO MOLDED PROD. CORP with their Trade Mark in the center. Clinometers were usually permanently attached to the bulkhead in the pilothouse or bridge. What makes this particular one unique is that it was obviously refitted on a civilian vessel named Lazy Bones which is engraved in script on the face of the pendulum. Additional Nautical Items Available - Please Call Cliff (at) 760-942-2025 For More Information.



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