Fish anytime you want Lake House Very Desireable Location

Located in the highly desirable Oak Terrace Estates on the deep end of the lake. Perfect water for boating and fishing. A boat ramp is literally right down the lane from this home. Very quaint two story single family home located right on Lake Livingston. Tremendous water view from the second floor family game room. The property also has a huge detached workshop that was once a 4 car garage. The home itself is an older home that needs some updating. Dated but liveable in current condition. Estimated rehab to make it very nice is 30K. I just had an appraisal done with anticipated updates and the numbers came in right at 125K. The spring season is starting and many folks are looking for affordable lake houses. Jump in now and make a quick buck with the equity capture available in this property or keep it yourself and use it as your private getaway. 65K purchase price. Will consider owner financing with 25K down and monthly P& I payments would be right around 500. I am showing house on Saturday April 11th only. This WILL BE SOLD THIS WEEKEND - See more at homes_for_sale-ad165820979.htm sthash.8jeHclFZ.dpuf



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