Outside Sales Rep - We Set Your Appointments

A WEEK S PAID TRAINING REQUIRED IN ORLANDO FL Acorn Stairlifts Inc. is currently seeking an In-Home Sales Professional to service the Waldorf MD and surrounding area. An approx. 100 mile area. Acorn Stairlifts is the world leader in stairlifts having helped over 300 000 people to overcome their challenges on their stairs. There are countless individuals who cannot enjoy their homes because they can no longer use their stairs. We take great pride in offering an affordable solution General Summary As an In-Home Salesperson for Acorn Stairlifts you act as the face of the company for your local market. All of your sales appointments will be qualified and set by the Inside Sales Team in our Corporate Office located in Orlando Florida. You will then travel to the potential customer s home meet with them face-to-face give a thoroughly planned and successful presentation measure the stairs answer any and all questions they may have and finally provide them with an accurate quote to have a stairlift installed in their home. Essential Duties & Responsibilities Conduct the sales presentation consistent with the customer s unique needs. Measure the customer s stairs accurately to facilitate easy installation. Complete all post-sales administrative activities and follow-up. Core Competencies A caring and compassionate demeanor and a desire to help people are of paramount importance to this position. Excellent sales and closing skills. Outstanding interpersonal communication skills. High ethical standards are a must. Strong computer skills are mandatory as you will be provided with a Tablet Computer and Cell Phone and will be required to learn new technologies. Education & Experience College degree preferred (recent college graduates encouraged to apply). High School diploma or GED required with a minimum of 3 years work experience. In-home sales experience is highly beneficial but not mandatory. We will train you to succeed. Attention to detail and willingness to learn. Team player. Must have a clean driving record and proof of current insurance. Compensation & Hours Commission-only with income potential of 65 000 and up. Unlimited Earning Potential First 8 weeks of employment will include 500 week salary unless commission is greater. Hours vary based on appointments but typically will be Monday Friday with 2 Saturdaysa month included. Company gas card company cell phone and Tablet provided. Excellent benefits including Medical Dental Vision and 401(k) for all employees after 90 days. Also 7 paid Holidays and 20 paid days off (PTO) each year. Acorn Stairlifts Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All employment is contingent on successful completion of a background screening driver s license investigation and drug testing.



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