Gently used excellent condition Prom Dresses and Wedding Gowns are offered by Betty O s Unique Boutique (TM) located at The Virginia Beach Antique Mall (also known as The Town Center Mall) 3900 Bonney Road Virginia Beach. We are open seven days a week M-F from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Saturday 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sunday 12 P.M. to 5 P.M. We also offer Sexy High-Heeled Shoes Fancy dresses for girls from Infant to Teen and Sexy Party Date dresses. Adult dresses are available in Petite through Plus sizes. See us on Facebook at BettyOsUniqueBoutique or see us on under Clothes and Accessories by dealer. We find nice things so that you do not have to go around to five or ten places. Our selection is huge and our prices are as much as 60 percent below what retailers charge. Save lots of money by shopping with us



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