85 Tv mounting 60 tilted TV bracket 50 video cables in the wall

HOME THEATER INSTALLATION LCD HDTV 3D PROJECTOR SURROUND SOUND Call or Text Ted for phone estimate consultation 3124204942 Licensed Electrician so we are actually allowed to do high voltage 110 220v electrical work in your house. Fully Insured and Incorporated. Electrical License Low Voltage SBCA Certification Commercial Liability Insurance Incorporated. MARCH SPECIAL 85 Flat Screen Plasma LED LCD TV Installation. Add 50 for hiding audio video cables (ON regular wall no fireplace) or 65 above the fireplace total is 135 add pro grade universal tilted TV bracket for 60. We sell brackets as low as 35 for 200x200mm VESA standard. Cables are concealed within a wall routed through attic crawl space or basement without opening drywall. Also could be routed using plastic cable channels. Can install on any wall structure (plaster drywall bricks steel studs wooden studs concrete walls wooden panels). We are licensed and insured to do electrical job PLEASE request a license from anybody claiming they are licensed it is unlawful to do any electrical work without a license that means they can t warranty the job and your or their insurance won t cover it. BEWARE We got Low Voltage Certification before getting an electrician license. We are certified to perform Digital Rooftop Antenna Installation AV Equipment Installation Ceiling Projectors and Flat Screen TV Installation PC repair and Networking. I obtained electrician license only to do legally an electrical part of Home Theater and TV installations. Our work load is over 80% home theater installations and 20% electrical work (110 220V service outlets lighting). I am not just an electrician who knows how to hang TV and hide the wires. < br> < br> < br> Custom installation of home theater whole house video TV installation stereo equipment Plasma TVs speakers LCD LED DLP pre-wire structured wiring music audio video Mounting LCD Plasma TV with hidden wiring programming remote controls IR& RF setup for wireless remote control with all components in a different area lay out CAT5 networks install or move Phone Cable & Data Outlets and more.



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