BAROMETER TEMPERATUREHUMIDITY Desk Set - Nautical - Mid-1900s --

I am offering a refurbished art deco matching Barometer & Temperature Humidity Gage Set mounted on a hardwood base. Both instruments were built by the world famous Airguide Instrument Company. Based on the quality design and materials used this unit was built in the mid-1900 s. The solid brass cases spokes base and pen funnel are mounted on a 12 x 6 x oak plank with heavy felt bottom. Both brass cases have 3 convex (domed) plastic windows and the faces are signed Airguide plus MADE IN U.S.A. BY AIRGUIDE INSTRUMENT COMPANY CHICAGO . The Temperature scale is in Fahrenheit Degrees and the Relative Humidity scale is 0% to 100%. The Barometer pressure scale is in 26 to 32 pounds per square inch. Both brass cases have moderate pitting on the top. The unit measures 12 wide x 6 deep x 7 high overall. Included is a 5 hand made rare wood and brass retractable desk pen (with a black broad Cross cartridge) which rests in a solid brass swivel funnel (holder). The pen funnel and wood base were added recently and the total weight is 3 pounds. All the gages appear to functioning reasonably well but there is no assurance that it will after shipping. Additional Nautical Items Available - Please Call Cliff (at) 760-942-2025 For More Information.



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