Binary Domain (PlayStation 3)

Binary Domain takes place in 2080 AD Tokyo Japan. The Amada Corporation breaks Geneva Code Clause 21 by creating humanoid robots that believe themselves to be human. These so-called Hollow Children have infiltrated the human population blurring the lines between man and machine. Dan Marshall and the Rust Crew are tasked to find Amada at all costs. Will the team s human bond be their greatest strength or will they fall to the machines Product HighlightsEarn your squad s trust and be rewarded in battleAnalyze each enemy type and efficiently dispose of themTake the battle online with up to ten playersProduct FeaturesThe Consequences System - Under the pressures of battle every action every choice and every word affects everything.Procedural Damage - Fully destructible and highly resilient robots adapt to the damage they sustain encouraging you to analyze each enemy find their weaknesses and dispose of them in the most efficient way.A New Take on Futuristic Tokyo - Experience dual-layered Tokyo with a run down and derelict lower city and a clean and affluent upper city.Weapon Modification and Skill Selection - Alongside a full armoury of unique weapons put emphasis on the skills that will benefit you.Fully Immersive Multiplayer - A wide range of versus and co-op modes allow your experience to be expanded online.SpecificationsPlayers 1 Player Network Players 1-10Required Hard Drive Space 3750 MBHD Video Output 720pCompatibility Sixaxis Motion Sensitive Controller Headset (sold separately)PlayStation Network Features Multiplayer Lobbies Matchmaking Messaging Friend Invite In Game Voice Chat Add-On Content TrophiesNote HD requires cables and HD compatible display (sold separately). PlayStation Network features and offerings may change without notice children under 18 must have parental consent to establish a PlayStation Network account and may not be able to access certain content or services.



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