New Price - Perfect opportunity Fabulous upgrades and Quality fe

Save 5000 on your next purchase or we will give you 1000 credit New Price Hurry breathtaking 3BD 4 BTH townhome in Stonegate Amazing very costly upgrades New hardwood floors carpet roof & HVAC w humidifier Well-lit kitchen w matching appliances & island counter w sink Bright family room w fireplace Walk out onto your private 2-level deck among the trees Master bath w large soaking tub & separate shower 2-car garage freshly painted Wont last. To speak with us directly about this home or schedule a showing call or text 7037919256 Conny Johansen Keller Williams Realty 6820 Elm Street McLean VA 22101 office 7039152116 mobile 7037919256 email connysellshomes(at)gmail For more details and photos listing mlsid 161 propertyid AX8598677 syndicated 1 cgltguid AC2A58B4-9F9E-4020-9A13-8E1E98A8DE85 ts crg Listing Courtesy of Nathan Johnson Keller Williams Capital Properties



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