Dust Finders Housekeeping

Do you like cleaning We do If you answer Yes to any of the following we have the solution for you. Do you have more to clean than hours in the day Do you feel like a slave in your own house Could you be spending your free time doing more important stuff Are you tired after a long day of work Are you watching life pass you by through dirty windows At Dust Finders Housekeeping we have experienced staff to help you take the stess out of cleaning. We offer a wide range of services and flexibility to fit around you. Some of our services include but are not limited to General Cleaning Seasonal Cleaning Party Preparation Clean-up Weekly Monthly Bi-Weekly Occassional Cleaning Plus much more To schedule a housekeeper today or to get a full list of the services offered please conatct our office and one of our friendly staff will be happy to assist you 416-855-1855



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