2012 Chevrolet Tahoe LS

Call or Text Ingrid Arenas (at) (956)329-9730Tambien se habla espanol City MPG 15Hwy MPG 21Actual rating will vary with options driving conditions habits and vehicle condition.Year 2012Make ChevroletModel TahoeTrim LSBodystyle SUVDoors 4 doorMileage 37 102 milesEngine 5.3L V-8 cylTransmission 6 speed automaticDrive Line 4x2Fuel Type flexibleExterior Color Mocha SteelVIN 1GNSCAE04CR303188Model Code CC10706Stock 828521Comments Experience driving perfection in the 2012 Chevrolet Tahoe It delivers an exhilarating ride without compromising safety and comfort With less than 40 000 miles on the odometer this 4 door sport utility vehicle prioritizes comfort safety and convenience. Top features include power windows a power seat a trailer hitch and 1-touch window functionality. Under the hood you ll find an 8 cylinder engine with more than 300 horsepower and for added security dynamic Stability Control supplements the drivetrain.



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