Tom Clancy s Multimission Aircraft Collector s Edition PS3

Format Retail Pkg Age 17 and Up Platform Playstation 3The countdown has begun Product Information Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Blacklist Paladin Multi-Mission AircraftEdition contains the essential items for fans to stop the Blacklistattacks. In addition to the Splinter Cell Blacklist game thiscollector s edition contains a custom hobby-grade remote-controlledairplane modeled after the in-game Paladin plane that Sam Fisher usesas his mobile hub the Splinter Cell Echoes 88-page graphic novel theexclusive Billionaires Yacht Co-Op Map the bonus Upper Echelon Pack and a limited edition Splinter Cell Blacklist poster Product Highlights Custom 3-channel ready to fly dual-engineremote-controlled airplane 88-page limited edition Splinter Cell Echoesgraphic novel by Eisner-nominated comic book writer Nathan Edmondsonand illustrator Marc Laming Exclusive Billionaire s Yacht Co-Op Map infiltrate a rogue billionaire s yacht the day after a decadent partyin the Coral Sea Bonus Upper Echelon Pack with Dead Coast Co-OpMap Gold Sonar Goggles & Upper Echelon Suit Limited Edition Sam Fisher poster Product Features Tom Clancy s Splinter Cell Blacklist Sam is back in his tactical suit and goggles and hes moredeadly than ever. He is the only secret operative with the power to actabove the law and uses ruthless methods to interrogate enemies inorder to extract crucial information that will prevent the nextBlacklist attack. Pursuing the terrorists to the far reaches of theworld Sam flies from exotic locales to U.S. cities as he races againstthe clock to find out whos behind the Blacklist. Thrilling gameplay isenhanced by full motion performance capture creating a highlycinematic experience. Killing In Motion lets Sam strike with lethal precision bymarking and executing multiple enemies in one fluid motion. Active Sprint allows him to traverse the environment easilyand fluidly climb walls and leap over barriers in order to reach hisnext target while on the move. Splinter Cell Blacklist innovates from the roots of thefranchise and players can enjoy a series of twists on franchisefavorites including reinvented classic weapons. Infiltrate terroristcells by using new gadgets such as the upgraded snake cam andmicro-trirotor drone which allows Sam to scout ahead mark targetsremotely distract enemies or explode with frag grenade force.SplinterCell Blacklist is also bringing back fan-favorites like the stickyshocker and for close quarters combat players can wield the curvedand brutal Karambit knife. With a mandate directly from the President Sam is buildinga whole new Echelon unit his team his way. Anna Grim Grimsdottir ishis technical operations manager CIA operative Isaac Briggs bringsadditional firepower and resident hacker Charlie Cole rounds out hissupport crew. 4th Echelon is a fully mobile ops unit with unlimitedresources and cutting edge technology aboard the repurposed stealthairliner the Paladin. Sam and his team are aware of terrorist attacks in realtime thanks to the Strategic Mission Interface (SMI). The SMI allowsthe team to receive data about mission objectives while on the move.Players can earn money for completing missions and objectives and buyupgraded weapons and items from the SMI hub aboard the Paladin. Remote-Controlled C-147B Paldin Aircraft Ready to fly 3-channel dual-engine RC airplane Features a flight speed of over 35mph Includes a wide flying radius at over 250 feet 3-channel remote-control designed like Sam Fisher s goggles Includes battery charger and quick-repair kit Includes access to instructional videos on how to assemble fly and repair the plane. Customer service provided by Parkflyers RC a leadingservicer of hobby grade quality RC electric airplanes. Includes Splinter Cell Game Bonus Upper Echelon Pack 88-Page Graphic Novel Limited Edition Sam Fisher Poster C-147B Paladin Multi-Mission Remote Controlled Aircraft Exclusive Co-Op Mission Billionaire s Yacht Specifications Tom Clancy s Splinter Cell Blacklist Players 1-2 Players Required Hard Drive Space 12 GB HD Video Output 480p 720p Compatibility DualShock 3 Headset PlayStation Network Features 2-8 Online Multiplayer Voice Friends Content Download Teams Leaderboards Trophies Online Co-Op Note HD requires cables and HD compatibledisplay (sold separately). PlayStation Networkfeatures andofferings may change without notice children under 18 must haveparental consent to establish a PlayStation Network account and may notbe able to access certain content or services.Remote-Controlled C-147B Paldin Aircraft Color Black Flight Speed over 35mph Flying Radius over 250 feet Wingspan 25.6 inches Length 23.6 inches Weight 8.7 oz Motor Twin 30mm Electric Ducted FanUnits Radio 2.4 GHZ 3 Channel RC controlsthrottle elevator and vector thrust steering Battery Li-Po 11.1V 600mAh 15C Material EPO Foam Warranty Six Month Limited ManufacturerPre-Flight Warranty



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