DFW Auctions Unlimited

We handle business liquidation online auctions of all types including Business closings Financial Institutions Investors Inventory reductions B stock supply retirements and more. We have liquidated businesses including The Hilton Garden Inn General truck sales of Dallas United Way of Tarrant county Quality Rail & Steel Elite Appliance Coyote appliance and many more.companies start prices high then drive them down over a three day period in some cases by as much as 90%. With our online auction system prices are driven up with no ceiling in a competitive nationwide online auction bidding market where prices may achieve a fair market value. VERY SAFE REAL AS CAN BE AND UNLIMITED WAYS TO MAKE A GREAT PROFIT IN OUR DFW AREAwe only get 25 % from the total profitEasy as 1.2.3 Everything will be done before 30 days.Go check out your property. Talk about how many lots we can make ( Basically letting you know a price range on what we can get from your property) Do contract and get this acution on the roll.



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