Landscape Positions

Good Earth Landscaping Management & Tree Service is looking for experienced and inexperienced workers to join our landscaping team working in the Dallas areas that include but are not limited to parks streets highways and municipal buildings. Pay rate starts at 10 hr. and ranges to 20 hr. depending on position and experience with health benefits available. The positions that are currently available are as follows Litter Crew Member Traveling to different locations with a team picking up litter and loading it onto vehicles. 10- 13 hour Litter Driver Driver will help other team members in the litter crews as well as transport the crew and equipment to different locations. Good driving record required. 11- 14 hour Landscape Crew Member Person for this position will need to have some knowledge using landscaping equipment such as operating riding mowers trimmers and planting an assortment of plants. 13- 16 hour Landscape crew leader Will act not only as a landscape crew member but will also be responsible for managing crew members and equipment at different locations. Must have experience and feel comfortable driving with a trailer. Good driving record required. 15.50- 20 hour Tractor Operator Must have previous experience driving tractors with rotary decks. TxDOT Highway experience is a plus as there will be hills that are steep and terrain difficult to navigate. A test will be given to evaluate if the person is qualified. 13- 17 hour



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