1990 Jeep Cherokee Laredo 2-Door 4WD PRICED TO SELL

1990 Jeep Cherokee Laredo 2-Door 4WDIF WE DON T HAVE IT WE CAN FIND IT www.AutoNetworkPensacola.NET Call us (850) 474-6569Great condition this car runs and drives excellent the interior is clean the paint is clear. Automatic has smooth drive and handling. Roomy enough to take everything with you. Priced to sell soon call us for your test drive Take it with you for only 2 688 CASHBAD CREDIT NO CREDIT EVERYBODY RIDES Visit our web page www.AutoNetworkPensacola.NET an apply for your credit.Year 1990Make JeepModel CherokeeMileage 157 439VIN 1J4FJ57L6LL181414Color BlueVehicle Type SUVFind us at 6230 North Palafox St (Corner of Stumpfield Rd).WE HAVE OVER 300 CARS IN STOCK --------------------------------------------B uy here Pay here----------------------------------------- ---------------BMW Dodge Porsche Mercedes Volvo Mitsubishi Honda Hyundai Nissan Toyota Ford Chevy Chevrolet Buick Oldsmobile Crown Vic Mazda Audi Acura Diesel 6 cylinder v8 Nissan Honda Toyota BMW Mercedes Audi Dodge Chevy Chevrolet Ford Mitsubishi Chrysler Kia Volkswagen VW



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