Offer Closet

Welcome to my Offer Closet. This is a new shopping experience where customers have the ability to not only buy and sell but get paid when others shop as well. Here s how it works Selling- If you have an item you wish to sell simply bring to me. Once you arrive tell me what cash offer you are willing to accept for your item and it will be placed in the closet. When a shopper decides to purchase your item any offer they make above your asking price will lead to an automatic sale. Any offer they make below your asking price will lead to the seller being notified of the the offer and they can decide whether or not to accept it. All items are welcome tools elctronics toys clothes etc. All items must be brought to me in proper working condition. In terms of payment all items a seller wishes to sell must be valued by them at 5 or more. Regardless of what an item sells for I will keep two dollars of the final sale price and the rest will go to the seller. Buying- For those looking to buy it s pretty simple. Drop buy check out the items that are for sale pick what you like and make an offer. Getting Paid When Others Buy- Basically it pays to spread the word. If you refer shoppers to the offer closet you will receive 1 for every purchase they make from that point on. The more you refer and the more they buy the more you will earn. There is no limit to how many people you can refer and there is no limit to how much you can earn. Offer Closet is open 7 days a week and is appointment based. Come by take a look and make an offer. For more info or to make an appointment to check out the items. Please send an email or call or text (240)593-2964



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You work hard for your money and you want a company you can rely on when you are buying or selling things. That’s why we want to help you protect yourself from fraud. In this section, you’ll find informative tips and other useful material to stay informed and help reduce your chances of falling victim to scammers.

Please understand that is a free service to help buyers and sellers (and etc.) find one another. is not involved in any transactions and can not police the actions of our many users.