36ft 5th Wheel RV and 2003 Ford F-250 SD XLT FX4 Crewcab

Pilgrim Open Road M-357. 3 slides queen bed with sleep number style mattress 16gal water heater 15000 central & 13500 non ducted A Cs free standing ice maker 6500w propane generator( 2- 40Lb tanks ) Tailgator satellite dish stackable W D 32in backlit LCD TV with 1 yr old Blue Ray system 19in LCD DVD combo 8cf refer 40 gal tanks( fresh black grey galley heated) safe 4 entry steps Firestone tires( less than 8000 miles) spare tire. Large blue bin of tools gadgets and supplies tripod stand crankable tire chocks. Truck is 7.3L with 161 000 miles transmission replaced 6 mo ago major front-end work 2 yrs ago. Runs and looks good. Would like to sell as pair. Separate RV 23 000. Truck 14 000. Have majority of operating manuals. RV should be empty cleaned and ready for delivery 10 June. More images available on request.



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