2008 Chevrolet 2LT HHR

2008 Low mileage (37 800) babied top of the line HHR 2LT package means it has it all. Including Pioneer audio with subwoofer. 4 brand new wheels covered under warranty due to flaking 4 brand new Michelins almost 900 for the set. New sway bar end links. Has normal parking lot bumps and bruises but still give this car a 2 in condition. New emblems also covered under warranty. All recalls done. 2.4L engine that has had Mobil 1 its whole life 2008 Chevrolet 2LT HHR 37 800 Miles 10 000 FirmNew tires with less than 6K on them 60k warranty on themThe 2LT trim adds the 2.4-liter engine FE3 Sport suspension with StabiliTrak stability control 17-inch wheels 260-watt Pioneer sound system fog lights and a leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob.One touch multiple position moonroofOptional EquipmentFeatures that will take you beyond base sticker price include a more powerful 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine four-speed automatic transmission leather seating heated front seats power driver s seat stiffer suspension power moonroof 260-watt sound system with subwoofer MP3 compatibility XM Satellite Radio remote start (standard with automatic transmission) and 16- or 17-inch wheels.



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