Experienced Barbers and Hair Stylists

Experienced Barbers and Hair Stylists IMMEDIATE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ICONIC STYLES is looking for talented barbers and hair stylists to join our amazing team. Located in the heart of the upcoming Downtown Newark NJ. We re steps away from the Prudential Center and just minutes from Newark Penn Station. REQUIREMENTS NJ State Cosmetology License or Permit Clientele is preferred Communication skills Self-motivation Time management Reliability is a mustBarbers Must be capable of working with men woman teens and children and provide high quality grooming techniques. Straight razor shaving is a major bonus Hair stylist Must be capable to cut and color blow- out style chemically process weaving and sew-in hair of all lengths using high quality techniques. Braiding is a bonus Serious Inquiries Please forward your resume or work experience to inconicstylesunisexsalon(at)gmail.com Be sure to provide direct contact information. Please include the followingNamePhone numberEmailPortfolio please include at least one picture.



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