CNC Programmer

Creates instructions for machinists. Reviews 3D CAD design blueprints. Makes calculations for programming including where materials should be cut. Translates instructions into a computer automated manufacturing (CAM) program. Communicates with engineers and clients who will use the programs. Checks completed programs by running simulations or tests. Determines sequence of operations in a program. Chooses cutting tools that will be needed. Analyzes job order and performs necessary calculations. Writes programs and modifies existing ones for increased efficiency. Analyzes and selects speeds and cutting tools for programs. Makes improvements to set up times for a task and contouring of complex shapes. Simplifies tooling time for workers and increases productivity for the client. Evaluates all completed designs to validate their functions and ensure they successfully reduce time and money for the client. Monitors all programs to make sure they follow blueprint instructions and safely and successfully complete the task. Express Employment Professionals 39510 Paseo Padre Parkway Suite 360 Fremont CA 94538 510.358.2353



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