Excellent Opportunity For Flatbed Class A Driver

Excellent Opportunity For Flatbed Class A Driver Location Savannah GA Category Logistics Transportation Class A drivers are wanted to deliver building materials to multiple states. Drivers will be on the road Monday through Friday with guaranteed weekends off. Primary customers are Georgia Pacific and National Gypsum. Up to 2300 miles weekly with starting pay 35-39 CPM plus a 45 minimum load pay for experienced drivers. We have a newly licensed driver program as well. New drivers are considered from qualified trucking schools and may also qualify for tuition reimbursement. Full benefits begin after 90 days. Must be 21 years of age Have a valid Class A Driver License Clean MVR and Background Contact Melissa or Ron in Recruiting 888-835-4146 or use our quick apply application to apply anytime at s intelliapp2.driverapponline.com c classajobs411 r classads



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