Manufacturing Maintenance Specialist - Turlock California

Maintenance SpecialistLocation Turlock CA United States-Countryside Plaza II 1840 Countryside DrJob ID 1015608Date TodayJob DescriptionGeneral DescriptionDo you like to work with your hands Are you the 1 person to call to help make something tidy Well being a Maintenance Specialist in the new jcp might be the position for you Come and be a part of a team that is changing the face of retail forever.The Maintenance Specialist is the 1 stop shop for the store for all things that need upkeep to ensure the shopping environment is clean compelling and hazard free for the customer. Responsibilities Keeps store clean You see the store as your homeits just that you have company over A LOT. You clean the floors and restrooms shine fixtures and mirrors and pick up trash to make the store ready for customers at all times.Maintains a Safe Workplace atmosphere You pick up after yourself including ladders vacuums and buckets to make jcp a safe place to work and shop....



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