Perfect Binding Machine with Roughener - PGO S320D

Description Paper binding and Jewelled binding in one machine Unlike other spine rougher that grinds the spine creating lots of noise and dust. This perfect binder with dust-free spine roughening unit it opens the paper grain with very little noise and there is no paper dust. It makes the machine suitable for handling the most difficult papers and making the solid bind. Dust-free spine roughening unitDust-free spine roughening unit feathers Two groups of roughening tooth with special angle and interval Convenient to adjust the depth and angle of roughening Grind the spine to strengthen the permeability of glue Compress the spine into a shape of fan to increase the sticking surface. Specifications Binding thickness 2 sheets-40mm Max width of the sheet 320 235mm (12.59 x 9.25 ) Max cover thickness 400g Binding speed hour Up to 120 pcs Time of gluing Ten minutes with temperature indicating lamp Voltage 220V 110V (OPTIONAL) Machine Weight 47kg Machine Dimensions W D HAdjustment for 790 360 500mm This machine is ideal for businesses schools churches photo and printing shops to perfect bind hardcover and paperback books menus school yearbooks directories phone books etc. Dust-free spine roughening unit Two groups of roughening tooth The comparison between before and after roughening Unique locking unit Adjustment of the depth and angle of roughening Finished Product Show What is perfect binding Perfect binding is a method of bookbinding that is utilized for many types of less expensive books manuals and other simple collections of documents. Unlike some binding processes that require sewing the pages into the spine of the book perfect binding requires no sewing at all. Instead a water-resistant adhesive is used to hold the pages in place by attaching them to the cover of the document. The perfect binding book thickness can reach 4cm 1.57 the thickness of dictionary and bibles. For product details you can visit our website .



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