Offset Printer Operator

Offset Printer Operator Job description Independently operate Ryobi 1 & 2 color printing presses (Small format 17X22 max) with or without T-heads. Read chart and mix ink colors accurately when necessary. Print a minimum size sheet (similar to business cards) and maximum size sheet (17X22) as well as regular or window envelopes with bleeds screens and or tight registration with precision. Print on coated and non-coated stocks of various weights with perfection. Print small format (13X18) 4-color short runs on 2-color press with accuracy. Print an average of 35 000 impressions within an 8-hour shift depending on the equipment being operated. The envelope press requires 45 000 impressions within an 8-hour shift. Daily responsibilities Maintain & organize ink on shelves. Load unload & organize paper stock and printed product. Clean equipment & workspaces and empty trash. Skills Qualifications Basic math skills Basic reading skills Dexterity of hands Good judgment of color Ability to meet multiple deadlines Requirements Must be able to lift up to 50lbs Must have 1 years of Offset press experience (Ryobi 3200 series Small format preferably) High school diploma or equivalent (GED) Excellent attendance Full time position Hours M-F 8 00am-4 30pm Salary 13.00-15.00 HR DOE



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