Janitorial TechnicianSuperviso r

NOW HIRING Part and Full-time Janitorial and Janitorial Supervision Positions for custodial contracts throughout the Houston Metro area. Positions include Janitorial Technicians (Basic Advanced) Day Porters and Supervisors. Mr. Clean Janitorial one of the nation s leading janitorial service providers is looking for dependable hardworking safety-oriented individuals to join our team. Duties may include dusting emptying trash vacuuming cleaning glass and mopping floors. Job Requirements Janitorial experience a plus Be dependable and able to communicate with client and supervisor Must have reliable transportation Must be able to pass a 7 year federal background check Most positions will work a Monday thru Friday Saturday schedule with some weekends possible Flexible work schedule Opportunity for advancement Work with the leader in facility services Wage 8 - 15 per hour DOE 40 hours week Are you ready to join our team Apply online at mrcleanjanitorial.weebly.com. Mr. Clean Janitorial is an Equal Opportunity Employer



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