3139 Remington Way San Jose CA 95148

3139 Remington Way San Jose CA 95148 3bd 2ba 625 000 Sqft 1158 Updated fresh and ready for new owners Welcome up the front pathway into the entry that opens up to Living Room filled with natural light. Vaulted ceilings and wood burning fireplace make it a naturally warm and welcoming home. Stunning granite kitchen countertops open kitchen living room dine-in kitchen with sliding glass doors to side patio. Newer carpet windows tile flooring and marble countertops in the bathrooms show the attention to detail and true craftsmanship. Close to parks and schools. www.losgatoskw.com listing mlsid 204 propertyid ML81457265 syndicated 1 Call David Calvello of Keller Williams Realty 408-761-2858 Listing Agent Kelley Solberg Listing courtesy of KW Bay Area Estates



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