Insurance Co-ordinator Medical Biller

Hours Days Mon- Friday. 8 30-4 30pm (alternate Thursdays off) Immediate opening. Candidate must be dog-friendly. We are currently looking for an Insurance Coordinator with strong customer service skills to join our team. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Obtain insurance information to verify the patient s benefits. Obtain prior authorization for surgeries. Collect any upfront fees from the patient or responsible parties Work in partnership with the surgeon s office and hospital surgical scheduler and the admitting department. Enter patient demographic information update database with insurance and authorization. Maintain surgeon s calendar. Processing insurance correspondence and following up on unpaid services from insurances and patients Posting charges and payments for multi-specialty practice Responsible for various clerical functions related to the job. JOB QUALIFICATIONS 1-2 years of medical billing experience preferred. Working knowledge of CPT & ICD-9 coding Previous experience in obtaining authorizations and eligibility. Works well under pressure and deadlines Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Ability to demonstrate problem solving skills. Must have a positive attitude. Proficient with Microsoft Office MS Word and MS Excel Self-motivated works well with minimal supervision and takes initiative. Strong organization time management and multi-tasking skills. Must be located in SVF Health Insurance and Vision provided after 90 days



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