Mothu et Doria Lithograph Lithograph after Steinlen

Original lithograph in colors on wove paper. Lifetime impression after Theophile Alexander Steinlen (Swiss French). Publshed in 1897 series Das Moderne Plakat a collection of small sized poster images in German for art collectors. The series was published in 1897 by Jean Louis Sponsel and printed in Dresden Germany. The sheet was inspected apart from the frame and found to be in very good condition. Frame size 18-1 4 inches H x 15-3 8 inches W (46.3 cm x 39 cm). Heavy frame with a gold-on-wood highlights. Finished with acid-free black matte and covered by glass. COA. See closeup photos and more information at gallery-of-artists steinlen-menu steinlen-mothu-doria.



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