IBM AIX System Administrator Workshop(Mumbai)

Test information Number of questions 72 Time allowed in minutes 90 Required passing score 58% Test languages English Certification Code Test C4040-221- AIX System Administration Time Mon-Fri 8 AM to 10 00 AMPractice time Mon-Sun 10 AM to 8PM System Availability (10%) Identify resources used by Cluster Aware AIX Configure dump devices and analyze output Determine elements necessary to reduce single points of failure Understand geographical logical volume manager (GLVM) Maintain hardware (CEC Blade Hardware) deferred or concurrent firmware AMM firmware (for Power Blades) whether an adapter replacement or new installation. Storage Management (21%) Create and manage filesystems Create and manage logical volumes Create and manage volume groups Manage physical and virtual devices Manage storage devices (traditional disk Solid State Drives and tape) including redundancy System and Network Security (4%) Configure Role Based Access Control Configure and Manage remote access Partition Management (11%) Configure and manage Logical Partitions (LPARs) including DLPAR operations Create and manage Workload Partitions (WPAR) including Versioned WPARs and planning for Live Application Mobility Understand HMC SDMC and IVM interfaces Create and Manage VIO Server partitions (including working with virtual repositories) Understand and explain LPAR and WPAR migration and mobility at a basic level Performance Management and Tuning Use performance monitoring tools and plan for future growth Analyze output from performance monitoring tools Configure system tunables to support optimal application performance Network Management (11%) Configure network devices (including Etherchannel IPv4 and IPv6) Troubleshoot network issues Configure TCP IP with and without VLAN support Network File System Share a directory from one LPAR Mount the NFS share on AIX NFS communication troubleshooting System Management (18%) Create maintain and modify user accounts Manage services and subsystems (using chtcp etc) Configure Electronic Service Agent Configure the system and device attributes Use AIX system management tools (for example DSM Director NIM) Install apply commit or reject software Create and manage paging space Use Cron and At functions Install and Manage AIX (11%) Understand and manage AIX instance startup Backup and restore AIX Migrate WPARs from AIX 6 to AIX 7 Install AIX and use NIM environments Install Versioned WPARs General administrative tasks (7%) Create and use ksh and Perl scripts at a basic level Use AIX commands such as TAR CPIO DD RPM SAVEVGSTRUC and explain their use Object Data Manager ODM why it is used and how to Backup ODM Adding removing a hot plug device in AIX using configuration manager Using ODM commands ODM Device classes and Software VPD AIX Booting Process Inittab file and AIX runlevels Phases of booting Boot system from either 32 bit or 64 bit kernel Troubleshooting booting related problem Read boot log Backup and Restore AIX Backup using mksysb Using tar command Hardware Management Console HMC models and introduction HMC shutdown startup Boot shutdown LPAR via HMC using GUI or command Introduction to VIOS and Hypervisor Highlights - We provide complete coverage of syllabus and have faculty with Live Industry Knowledge - Real Time Industry Environment for Practice - NO FAKE IDs or Rented Server. - 100% Practical Learning - Real Time Person-to-Person Job Support - 800 Benefited People - 10 Yrs of stable presence in Market KeyWords AIX IBM AIX AIX Virtualisation AIX Cluster AIX Jobs ibm-aix certification aix trainings VIO HACMP HMC Website www.sysadminexperts.comEmail training(at) Contact 8983090907Locations Mumbai



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