Little Sunshine Daycare in home day care

I have my associates Degree in early childhood education and my CPR and First Aid Cards and tons of experience. I am currently working on getting license and provide daycare for newborns through kindergarten ages Monday through Friday from 7 am to 5. Pm. As a parent myself I know the importance of finding the right match and therefore I take ongoing workshop classes working with kids at different ages and stages and to always strive to do my best. Its my mission to make sure each child has lots of TLC so they are happy and successful and I work on their social and cognitive skills through music arts and crafts and story time and learning centers. I can accommodate full and part time hours and also have experience with special needs. I encourage parental involvement and always have an open door policy. I would love to meet you and your family so please call Brendi at 480-580-5120 or by email at mikebrandipoof(at) or by my website Http I am located in Mesa Az 85210 Country Club and Guadulupe and have only a few openings left. 10 percent off your first week Come check it out.



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