Brand New 8-Piece 34" Drive METRIC 6-Point Deep Wall Impact

Buy now and Save 35 off FREE Shipping In Stock. Factory Direct - Lowest Prices Guaranteed About us Cenata Tools is one of the largest OEM manufacturers and distributors of our product brand CENATA high quality impact sockets. We carry the most popular impact socket sets available in the market today 1 2 3 4 and 1 drive shallow and deep wall 6-point both standard Metric and SAE. To order Call or Email us and will email Invoice using Paypal for payment confirmation. (no Paypal acct no problem pay with any major credit cards) More Impact Socket Sets on SALE up to 65 off (1 2 3 4 & 1 Drive 6 Point SAE & MM Deep & Shallow Heavey Duty) available online at AMAZON & EBAY search CENATA .Product Features Item-YM8054- BRAND NEW socket set features Deep 21mm Budd Wheel Socket 24mm 26mm 27mm 29mm 30mm 32mm & 38mm- Made of High Strength Chrome-Molybdenum Steel- High visibility laser-etched markings for easier socket selection- Black phosphate coated to resist rust and corrosion- Meets or exceeds American Quality Performance Standards (ANSI)- Package in a durable blow-molded storage case - Lifetime WarrantyProduct Description CENATA YM8054 8-Piece 3 4 Drive METRIC Deep Wall Impact Socket Set are made from forged and heat treated premium quality chrome molybdenum for superior strength and durability. Socket Set features most popular sizes Deep 21mm Budd Wheel Socket 24mm 26mm 27mm 29mm 30mm 32mm & 38mm. This 6-point sockets are designed using the most up to date industrial specifications to deliver outstanding performance. Engineered specifically to stands up to the demands of both corded and cordless high torque impact drivers and wrenches. Coated with black phosphate to resist rust and corrosion. Package in a protective durable blow molded storage case.



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