2005 Dodge Durango

2005 Dodge Durango 4.7L V8 Magnum. Has 214 00 miles mostly highway . Very well mechanically maintained. Equipped with OEM Remote Start Running Boards Mopar Roof Rack Tow Package with Tow Haul mode Electric Trailer Brake and 3rd Row Seat. Front and 2nd row custom seat covers. One owner vehicle AWD 4WD automatic transmission. Mobil 1 synthetic oil changes every 5000. Coolant done every 60 k. Transmission filters and fluid done every 60k. Transfer Case fluid changed every 30k. Front and Rear Differential fluids done as needed. Always used OEM filters fluids and parts . Fuel pump changed at 170k (OEM Bosch) . No leaks. New Cooper Discoverer A T tires and 4 additional all season tires good for one more summer plus a new spare tire thats never been off. New black accent headlights. Beautiful running vehicle has never let us down. Only reason selling is we bought a new truck to tow a 4 horse trailer. 4000 Clean Title in hand.



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