Beautiful 4 BR Office in Morgan HillsBeautiful 4 bedroom 2.5 baths PLUS office home in Morgan Hills.Home features main floor master bedroom and office. The community offers LOTS of amenities including Gorgeous club house with pool spa work out facility tennis and much more.This home offers 3106 sq ft of living space with an open and bright floor plan. The entry opens into a spacious formal living and dining room. Flooring features include custom tile and carpeting throughout the home. There is a cozy fireplace in the family room which is located by the kitchen. The kitchen features granite counters stainless steel appliances lots of storage cabinets and counter space to make this gourmet kitchen complete and ready for entertaining. Downstairs Master Bedroom & Office with 3 Bedrooms & 1 Bath upstairs. Laundry room (also downstairs) includes a sink and Moen pull-out faucet. There is also a 3 car attached garage for all your toys. This home has a lot to offer and will surely go fast. Call today



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