Full Time Senior Plumber Opportunity with Ritz Plumbing in Los A

Ritz Plumbing is looking for a Senior Plumber to join their team in Southern California to provide prompt professional and friendly service to meet the plumbing and heating service and repair needs of homeowners and businesses. This position requires you to exude exceptional customer service and communication skills while being on call in the case that an emergency plumbing or heating need arises. If you are looking to take your career to the next level and join an engaging company that offers great benefits higher commission structures and a fun work culture then we would love the opportunity to meet you since the only way for you to fully understand the difference in the atmosphere that Ritz Plumbing offers is to experience it in person Responsibilities of the Senior Plumber Provide prompt professional and friendly service to meet the plumbing and heating service and repair needs of homeowners and businesses. Inspect structures to assess material or equipment needs to establish the sequence of pipe installations or to plan installation around obstructions such as electrical wiring. Install pipe assemblies fittings valves appliances such as dishwashers or water heaters or fixtures such as sinks or toilets using hand or power tools. Maintain or repair plumbing by replacing defective washers replacing or mending broken pipes or opening clogged drains. Cut openings in structures to accommodate pipes or pipe fittings using hand or power tools. Perform all other plumbing duties as required. Requirements of the Senior Plumber Minimum 10 years of plumbing experience Exceptional sales ability and desire to excel and succeed in the industry Flexible schedule and availability to be on call nights and weekends Must have excellent customer service and communication skills Clean driving record No DUI s in the last 3 years any other moving violations will be considered Bilingual English Spanish skills preferred PLEASE DO NOT APPLY ONLINE If interested please stop by our hiring office at 1355 S La Brea Ave Los Angeles CA 90019 between 7am-8am or between 5pm-6pm Monday through Saturday. Please bring an updated resume and driving record printout from the DMV. We look forward to meeting you



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