Housekeeping Special 50 first 3 hours

HOUSEKEEPING ONLY PLEASE DO NOT BE RUDE Please Be Professional I specialize in Cleaning house. I CHARGE 50 the first 3 hours I work 7 days a week. If you need a regular house keeper great then I m your girl because I work daily weekly bi weekly and monthly. If you want to become a regular we can set a regular price. If you like more details just in box me. I provide all cleaning supplies needed to do detail cleaning. YOU WILL HAVE TO PROVIDE (BROOM VACCUM & MOP.I work every where throughout the valley. I work CommercialCondos Apartment Move-in Move-out Foreclosure I have references if needed.These are the things I will cover while cleaning your location..ALL ROOMS DustBaseboard ShelvesLight fixtureVacuum mop all floors carpets and rugsShine wood furniture KITCHENstoveMicrowaveSinkTableCountersBATHROO M showersTubsSinksToiletMirrors Once again I work 7 days a week throughout the valley. I prefer to work mornings but I m willing to do any hours you request. And I only charge 50 for first 3 hours. I will take good care of your home retail and businesses please inbox for any questions or concerns any details and also references if needed. Thank you.AliciaAliciaHM87(at)Gmail.com480-628-4884



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