Oliver Collection Sectional Sofa (FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE)

Oliver Collection Sectional Sofa (FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE) 1499 Wyckes Furniture 4 Southern California locations and 2 convenient San Diego locations 7550 Miramar rd San Diego CA 92126 and 6331 University Ave. San Diego CA 92115 or call (858)605-5990 or (619)391-7620. Brand new (still in unopened factory packaging) 90 DAY FREE LAYAWAY Hand built with just enough decorative detail to keep this simple frame interesting. Meticulously crafted with all new materials from the solid wood frame. Kiln-dried engineered solid wood frame panels make for lasting durability. Customize the look with our exclusive signature fabrics. Made in the U.S.A. Oliver Sectional starting at 1 499.99 www.Wyckes.com



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