mobile home for sale

nice mobile home for sale 14 by 66 3 bedrooms 2 fullbaths good floors all way through must sell was asking 5000. will take 4000.00 owners moveing to ok can stop in and look any time lady in lot 3 will show anita her number is 228 219 9500 r a message number tex is 228 235 0975 owner is is wifes 22803696417 the place is in river oaks mobile park 9524 hwy 613 lot 9 moss point ms it can be moved r stay lot rent is 175.00 mo plus water stove refrig dishn washer comes with it new pipes 3 4 floor all way through just looking a new owner and a 14 by 10 metal unilty shed with it OBO NEED TO SELL WILL TALK TO U CALL 228 369 6417



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