February Everette s How to Braid and Loc Class (Evening Class)

(Before joining call us (at) (313)355-0352 for a free over the phone consultation or schedule an in person consultation at our location. Go to everettes.com to view the week by week curriculum deals and discounts and more...)Pay by January 15th for a 50 discount.Evening Schedule Mon and Wed 5pm to 9pm (5 students or less a class) Interesting in learning the latest trends in braiding twisting locing adding extensions and basic heath care for textured hair Everette s How to Braid & Loc Class is a 4 week 2 days a week 4 hrs a day hands on course that teaches you step by step how to do the techniques properly. Techniques are taught 1 by 1 at each students pace of comprehension and execution. Locing techniques are taught on live volunteers. This class is for beginners to people who have experience and are looking to learn more techniques or gain more confidence. Can t make it to our business location or live out of state Take the class live onlive simultaneously with our onsite class. Online students receive one on one face time demonstrations through google hangouts. (Locing techniques will be demonstrated but not hands on for online students) Upon completing the class students will receive a certificate of completion and a style price list for all the techniques they learn. Morning time more convenient We have day classes Tues and Thurs 9am to 1pm. Classes start every month. Get 50 discount when you pay for the class by the 15th of month before the class starts. Payment plan options are available. (go to everettes com to learn more)Techniques Cornrows cornrows (w ext.) feed-in braids Ghana braids stitch braids box braids ty- zillion Senegalese twist Senegalese twist (w ext. braided in) Senegalese twist (w ext. twisted in) kinky twist flat twist flat twist (w ext.) bantu knots bantu knots (w ext.) faux locs silky locs Goddess locs French braids French braids (w ext.) crochet.Techniques scheduled during class on live volunteers (Onsite students only) comb twist starter locs palm roll traditional loc touch- up interloc touch- up loc grooming loc extension.Supplies (Not provided but can be purchaced at your local beauty supply store) 2 black mannequins (Yolanda style) 1 table mannequin stand 1 parting comb 1 pair scissors 1 lighter 1 latchhook single prong short clips single prong long clips 4 pks 100% kanekalon extension hair 1 pk marley twist hair extension Milady Standard Natural Hair Care & Braidng BookOnline additional supplies gmail account and a laptop tablet or phone.Additional class dates Jan 7th (Evening) 8th (Day) Feb 4th (Evening) 5th (Day) Mar 4th (Evening) 5th (Day) April 8th (Evening) 9th (Day) May 6th (Evening) 7th (Day) June 3rd (Evening) 4th (Day) July 8th (Evening) 9th (Day) Aug 5th (Evening) 6th (Day) Sep 9th (Evening) 10th (Day) Oct 7th (Evening) 8th (Day) Nov 4th (Evening) 5th (Day) Dec 2nd (Evening) 3th (Day) Check out our videos s youtu.be gyaFFV0ipnMs youtu.be _W62WVJHLbYs youtu.be EVQm0eCzgJc Go to everettes.com for more info.



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