Church Musician

Jesus of Nazareth Free Will Baptist Church Inc. is now recruiting for a church musician to coordinate with the Praise Team Director in planning preparing and playing the organ for worship services. Responsibilities of this position include Sunday service organist for all church services both regular and special unless otherwise excused by the Pastor (Sunday mornings 11 30 a.m. Sunday evenings fellowship services revivals and to also include occasional special meetings outside the church i.e. revivals invitations to other churches etc.) 2 - 3 additional rehearsals as needed in preparation for annual celebrations or special services 3 - 4 weeknight evenings annually for church anniversary in the Fall Weddings and funerals are not included and are left to the discretion of the musician. Time off is to be scheduled at least two weeks in advance with the Pastor. It is the responsibility of the musician to secure a substitute in his her absence. Substitutes will be paid accordingly. Requirements A genuine love for God and relationship with Jesus Christ A passion for worship and the role that music plays as an expression of corporate and individual worship Should demonstrate an intermediate or higher level of skill and expertise in the use of organ Be comfortable and have experience playing various congregational styles of music traditional blended contemporary Be able to create improvisatory underscores during sensitive portions of the service Be able to modulate seamlessly between songs with different key signatures Have strong accompaniment skills Be able to sight-read church anthem accompaniments Be able to play vocal parts in rehearsal as well as parts with light harmonic structure Be able to run a choir rehearsal if the director is absent



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