Customer Service Personnel and Receptionist

Position Full time automotive customer care personnel. Long term opportunity to grow with the company. Prior experience in the automotive industry is required. Please send your contact information and a copy of your resume to Mollie(at) Your responsibilities will consist of Customer Service - Greeting customers - Customer call backs check on the work we did - Answer phone calls take messages - Pick up drop off customers cars (as needed) - Add new vendors and customers to database - Must be able to communicate clearly and concisely with customers - Proficient verbal and written communication skills - Must be able to multi-task Write up repair orders - Run tickets payments - Add information to update customer accounts - Enter new inventory into the software program - Invoice all repairs - Check emails hourly - File completed repair orders - Keep in touch with vendors - Update the company Facebook page Google page - Proficient computer skills needed Parts - Oder parts from wholesalers - Pick up parts from wholesalers dealerships (from time to time) - Enter receipts and checks into the software program - Knowledge of parts is necessary We can offer you - An opportunity to grow with a new company. - An opportunity to work at a company focused on going above and beyond to accommodate customers. - An opportunity to work at a company that delivers honest quality work.



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