Registered Nurses (RN) Positions Available

Registered Nurse (RN) Job Description Registered Nurses promote and restore patients health by completing the nursing process collaborating with physicians and multidisciplinary team members providing physical and psychological support to patients friends and families supervising assigned team members. Registered Nurses also Perform professional nursing care of patients. Care is provided based on patients age and level of understanding. Nursing care which includes assessment triage treatment and evaluation of patients. Care is initiated based on patients condition at triage and risk factors based on age health problems and social factors. Must have the ability to follow guidelines including doctors orders standards of care nursing policies and procedures manuals and hospital policies. Job Requirements Active State License Minimum 1 Year of Professional Experience Current CPR BLS Card Step up to JayKay and enjoy Workers Compensation (hurt or injured on the job we take care of you) Weekly payroll An enriching and satisfying career prospect Supportive environment Competitive salary Continuing education and professional growth A work schedule that is right for you Networking opportunities Professional and courteous Staffing Specialists to assist you We staff nationwide. Call or Email Today JayKay Staffing Phone 1-800-442-5441 Fax 1-800-809-0158 Email Jay Kay Inc. is a Healthcare Staffing Firm specializing in the placement of healthcare professionals. With 25 years of proven experience we pride ourselves on attracting the very best professionals in the industry. We offer a wide variety of assignments nationwide About JayKay Whether your needs call for local temporary employment or a long term position with a client- JayKay can provide the assignment that s right for you. Our clientele range from hospitals inpatient and outpatient clinics skilled nursing schools home health and companion care prisons - virtually anywhere quality healthcare services are provided. MISSION STATEMENT At Jaykay Inc. Our mission is to continue to expand our business with our clients interests at heart and continue to promote a professional and dedicated corporation that meets our clients specific needs. Furthermore we want our employees to continue to be successful and have rewarding and fulfilling careers. We believe keeping our clients interests at the forefront of our efforts will contribute to the success of our corporation.



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