1995 Chevy 1500 Shortbed RC Cheyenne (wheels lights Belltech dro

This truck runs like a new one. Smooth ride no pops or weird noises as with most older trucks. I ve already ran thru the suspension brake system fuel system engine and exhaust. This has been my project truck for the last few years. 305 V8 with a 5 speed manual Stock unmolested engine that purrs like a kitten. Progressive 15x10 wheels Supertrapp 40 muffler and 2 Belltech drop kit and sway bar. Paint is original and polished to keep its shine. Few minor body issues to make it prestine but great shape for original paint. Has hail damage on hood.I have an upgraded bench seat to go in it and an array of improvement parts that go with it. Truck has been built and maintained at Schaefer Automotive Hot Rod Shop in Belleville. Extensive history of service and parts installs. TURNS HEADS as it turns corners already. I want somebody to finish the build so I can move on to another one. I ve had my fun with it. 4 600 gets you a GREAT truck. Nothing to repair if it s going to be a daily driver. TONS of possibility for a nice fast hot rod truck.Keywords Chevy GMC Ford Nissan Dodge Ram Silverado Sierra Titan Expedition Excursion Explorer Nissan haul stepside short bed mags spindle shackle hanger 5.7 5.0 V6 V8 stick shift cheap cab extended quad 2-door 4-door mechanic IL Illinois pickup delivery shop truck 88-98 94 95 96 97 98 bellteck low rider lowering air bag notch air ride slammed sport truck trailer hitch tow pkg package.



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