2008 Rinker Captiva 226

Hours 60 Interior Color White blue Exterior Color Blue White 2008 Rinker 226 Captiva 24 with 5.7 mercruiser boat is in excellent cond with less than 60 hours Boat has been stored in a garage when not in use. Boat comes with full canvas 6 speaker sound system with I pod connection Removable carpet snaps in and out bow cockpit door Boat receive reg service at Couicks Marine in Waxhaw. Beautiful boat with great power and super interior layout. We are selling because we are just not using it enough. NADA suggested retail BOAT 37 138 Trailer 4 475 for a total 41 613.00 Average retail Boat 27 380 Trailer 4 475 For a total 31 688 Great deal at 26 500.00 - See more at www.caboats.com used-boats 9384.htm sthash.6PVFd6IT.dpuf



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