Columbia Missouri Divorce Lawyers in Boone County

Do you need a divorce or family law attorney in Columbia Missouri in Boone County or in the Jefferson City Area in Cole County If so Stange Law Firm PC can assist. Our firm clients in family law matters including Columbia Missouri Divorce Lawyers in Boone County Columbia Missouri Divorce Attorneys in Boone County Columbia Missouri Family Lawyers in Boone County Columbia Missouri Child Custody Attorneys in Boone County Columbia Missouri Child Support Lawyers in Boone County Columbia Missouri Paternity Attorneys in Boone County Columbia Missouri Fathers Rights Lawyers in Boone County At Stange Law Firm PC from our Columbia Missouri Office we return all calls left before 5 pm the same business day. Clients also receive 24 7 access to their file (including pleadings correspondence and court related documents) through Your Case Tracker. You can also download our mobile application titled Divorce Headquarters as a courtesy for free.Attorneys at Stange Law Firm PC have received been recognized. Multiple attorneys have received awards as set forth in their individual biographies from entities including Super Lawyer Rising Stars the National Academy of Family Law Attorneys the American Institute of Family Law Attorneys the National Trial Lawyers Lead Counsel and the American Society of Legal Advocates.To setup a complimentary half-hour consultation call 1-855-0595. You can also get more information at Stange Law Firm PC.Note The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. Kirk Stange is responsible for the content. Principal office is 1750 S. Brentwood Blvd. Suite 401 St. Louis MO 63144.



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