STORE FIXTURES RACKS SHELVES ISLANDS GONDOLA FOR SALE EXCELLENT COND CVS STORE CLOSED FULL STORE FIXTURES RACKS SHELVES ISLANDS GONDOLAS AND MORE ALL FOR SALE ALL PIECES IN EXCELLENT CONDITION AT LOW PRICES WE HAVE AN ARRAY OF STORE SHELVING AVAILABLE PERFECT FOR ANY STORE - Dollar Store - Thrift Store - Retail Store - Pawn Shop - Convenience Store - Gas Station - Pharmacy - Supermarkets - And More... OUR ITEMS ARE STEEL STRONG AND DURABLE DESCRIPTION Our shelving and racks are top of the line equipped and designed for professional use heavy duty grade steel and durable to withstand loading. These racks come with unique features to make any business fully function and operate like a professional. Our easy clamping system makes it easy to in minutes dismantle transport and change setup of shelves with ease. If you are looking to have an edge on your business these items are a must have FEATURES INCLUDE - Shelving - Stands - Wheels for easy Transportation - Easy Clamping System - Individual Item Holders - End Pieces for Exclusive Items - Make Up Island Center Pieces - Cell Phone Island Center Pieces - Rain Station - Sunglass Station Center Island Piece - Chocolate Station Stand - And Much Much More... DIMENSIONS INCLUDE - 6 x3 x5 (Center Piece Islands) - 2 x6 (Vertical Panels for set up of Gondola) - can set up in small sections or can make 20 long straight set up - 4 x6 (Vertical Make up Stand) - 2 x5 (Individual End Shelving) PICTURES SHOW EXACT ITEMS AND SET UP FLEXABILITY WE HAVE SEVERAL PURCHASING OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO CHOOSE FROM FULL STORE LIQUIDATION OF SHELVES RACKS ISLANDS GONDOLAS AND MORE DON T MISS OUT OF THIS GREAT SALE OPPORTUNITY CALL US TODAY FOR QUESTIONS AND FOR PURCHASING OPTIONS 786-571-8077 (SERIOUS BUYERS ONLY)



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