Address 214 Chestnut Hill St Dillon SC 29536Market Rent 550 per monthSection 8 868 per month3 bedroom 1 bathroom home for sale in Dillon SC. This home is a smoking deal so contact me as soon as you can There is a tenant currently in place but they are not the best. They are currently paying 250 per month which isn t market average. Market rent in the area is 550.There are cosmetic repairs needed if you wanted to get it up to par. Estimated repair costs would be about 3k- 5k. This is a CASH deal only.Copy link in your browser below to see the home s maps (at)34.405602 -79.378142 3a 37.5y 344.08h 76.16t data 3m6 1e1 3m4 1sgvRdXZXZsU_CXoMGG5hLTg 2e0 7i13312 8i6656



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