2015 Can-Am Outlander MAX XT-P 1000 in Black and Orange - Only 1

2015 Can-Am Outlander MAX XT-P 1000 in Black and Orange stock 1252 - Only 14250 with rebate at Jim Potts Motor Group in Woodstock Loaded with features including an upgraded suspension and aluminum beadlock wheels the Outlander MAX XT-P is a sporty two-up ride with all the extras. Don t let this one get away call today Looking for something similar Or perhaps a different ATV personal watercraft snowmobile side by side UTV or Can-Am Spyder We have what you re looking for at Jim Potts Motor Group in Woodstock Plenty of new and quality pre-owned models to choose from. Need parts Service or repairs Have a used trade Need financing We do it all with the highest level of service and unbeatable prices. We ARE your no problem dealer Check out our website www.JimPottsMotorGroup.com Easy hassle-free pricing Financing as low as 2.9% gets you out the door today Worry-free Warranty (815)338-0640 Jim Potts Motor Group 1033 Wanda Lane Woodstock Il 60098 Sales(at)JimPotts.com All prices subject to taxes and fees



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