Farm Workers

Farm WorkersKamal Farms a blueberry growing farm located in Surrey BC is looking for 4 Farm Workers to fill available positions. The workers will perform the following duties Prepare ground for planting Plant and harvest blueberries Prune beginning after leaf drop Remove diseased and dead wood Irrigate plants as directed Incorporate sawdust or compost in planting beds as directed Flush irrigation systems and sprayers to protect against winter damage Maintain clean and store farm tools after use Store harvested fruits as directed Report to and follow directions of supervisor Other general farm duties as assigned. Wages 12.65 hr for 40 hrs per week. Work setting On-farm Surrey BC Contact Information Apply by email at kamalfarming(at) and indicate in the subject line that you are applying for Farm Worker Location 8111 144StreetSurrey British ColumbiaV3W 5T3 Canada Skills requirement and Experience No experience No education and No specific language required Heavy lifting required. Ability to work long hours early mornings and weekends are required. Ability to work outdoors in ALL weather conditions. Only selected candidates will be contacted for an interview.



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