Dependable Affordable and Compassionate care for your senior

If you are looking for a provider who is affordable dependable reliable and experienced you can count on me. Empowering senior adults to live enhanced independent lives while meeting their basic physical social psychosocial spiritual and safety needs is my mission. Because your life is about quality as much as quantity LM SeniorCare is here to partner with you providing solutions for both long-term and respite. Working in the various health care settings gave me a first-hand look at the needs of the healthcare community the nursing assistance nurses physicians all did a wonderful job in caring for their patients but sometimes that one-on-one care that the patient so desperately needs are not being met because their wasn t time to provided that extra 30 minutes of care the services provided by me fills the gap and helps support the healthcare community to provide care to all people and in particular the geriatric population. LM SeniorCare provides these following services Assisted Living Coordinator Life Enrichment Services Non-Medical home care Wellness Coaching Spiritual Counseling I would be happy to discuss your needs contact me today. I provide these services to the following populations nursing homes Assisted Living communities adult day care facilities rehabilitation homes Alzheimer s (Memory Care) facilities and to the individual caregiver and their families. Now Accepting New Patients. Contact me lmseniorcare Immediate availability-Flexible hours - See more at health_wellness-ad178604521.htm sthash.v6ojgz6z.dpuf



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