2013 Honda Odyssey Touring

Oem certified navigation Entertainment system back-up camera leather bluetooth MOONROOF MP3 Player CHILD LOCKS 3RD ROW SEAT KEYLESS ENTRY 28 MPG Highway SAT RADIO POWER LIFTGATE ALLOY WHEELS Bad credit no credit no problem. CARFAX REPORT SHOWS OWNERS and SERVICE RECORDS. Thanks to an extensive used-car warranty every Honda Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle comes with peace of mind. It covers major engine and transmission components except for standard maintenance items body glass and interior. Honda will repair or replace any covered part that is defective in material or workmanship under normal use. The Honda Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle Limited Warranty extends the powertrain coverage to 7 years 100 000 total odometer miles (whichever occurs first). See dealer for details. our dealership proudly services the central New Jersey area we can handle all of your Used Car needs.



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