Menz Stuff - Consignment Sale Cub Cadet GT1554

Menz Stuff (Sales-Service-Parts)We have a customer consignment Cub Cadet GT1554 going for 1200. ID plate pictured above.This is a single owner 2008 unit with 290.4 hours. Included in this listing is the owners manual. The mower has recently been serviced for the season. Great price for a great mower. Come on down or give us a call and get your season started right If interested or have any questions please contact us at Phone 813-996-3710 Fax 813-996-3829We have been located in central Pasco county same place for 15 years at 10619 Land O Lakes Blvd. (US 41) just 1 2 mile south of S.R. 52.Menz Stuff Mower Shop a Veteran owned business. Don t Let the shack fool ya we got parts Please keep in mind we do not accept plastic only cash and checks (with proper I.D.) and we do not give estimates over the phone for repairs. In order to better serve you English is the spoken language of the shop.



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